Psyllium Husk Powder


Psyllium Husk consists of the epidermis and the collapsed adjacent layers removed from the dried ripe seeds of Plantago Ovata Frosk. Psyllium husk powder is derived from the seed coverings of the Plantago ovata plant. It contains a high amount of soluble fiber.

Beneficial bacteria utilize soluble fiber to “fuel” the colon, helping improve the natural elimination process of the body. The health of the colon, like all body systems, is dependent on energy. Psyllium also slows absorption of foods and holds water, supporting healthy, normally formed bowel movements.

Description Pale-Buff-Coloured Husk. The Odour is not Marked Pale-Buff-Coloured Husk. The Odour is not Marked Pale-Buff-Coloured Husk. The Odour is not Marked Pale-Buff-Coloured Husk. The Odour is not Marked
Odour Faint Characteristics Odour - Husk-like Faint Characteristics Odour - Husk-like Faint Characteristics Odour - Husk-like Faint Characteristics Odour - Husk-like
Sieve Test As per Customer requirements As per Customer requirements As per Customer requirements As per Customer requirements
Mesh Size Limits As per buyer's requirements As per buyer's requirements As per buyer's requirements As per buyer's requirements
Moisture 10% Maximum 10% Maximum 10% Maximum 10% Maximum
Protein 3.0 % Max 3.0 % Max 2.0 % Max 2.0 % Max
Swell Volume Not less than 35 ml/gm Not less than 40 ml/gm Not less than 45 ml/gm Not less than 50 ml/gm
Total Ash 4% Maximum 4% Maximum 4% Maximum 4% Maximum
Acid Insoluble Ash 1% Maximum 1% Maximum 1% Maximum 1% Maximum
Heavy Extraneous Matter 1.0% Maximum 1.0% Maximum 1.0% Maximum 1.0% Maximum
Light Extraneous Matter 15% Maximum 5% Maximum 2% Maximum 1% Maximum
E-coli Negative Negative Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative Negative Negative
Yeast & Mould Count < 1000 per gram < 1000 per gram < 1000 per gram < 1000 per gram
Insect Infestation Not more than 400 insect fragments including mites and psocides per 25 grams Not more than 400 insect fragments including mites and psocides per 25 grams Not more than 400 insect fragments including mites and psocides per 25 grams Not more than 400 insect fragments including mites and psocides per 25 grams

Note : The above specification complies to USP. We can also provide products as per BP and EP specification.

Psyllium Husk Powder Packing Weights / Volumes :

  • Conventional Gunny bags with inner food-grade poly-liner : 25 kg. & 40 kg.
  • Paper bags with inner food-grade poly-liner : 10 kg., 20 kg. & 25 kg.
  • Paper bags with inner food-grade poly-liner : 10 kg., 20 kg. & 25 kg.

Container stuffing information :

  • Approximately 9 M. Tonne per 20 feet container for psyllium husk Powder and 19 M. Tonne for psyllium husk powder, without palletization. We have factory stuffing permission.
  • IF YOU NEED, We can arrange for PRE-SHIPMENTS M/s. SGS and M/s. Anazeal survey for (Sampling, Testing, Stack Sealing, Container Stuffing & Sealing Supervision).