Psyllium Kha-Kha Powder


When psylllium seeds are processed to make psyllium husk, the extraneous material left is termed as Psyllium Kha-Kha Powder i.e. Psyllium Industrial Dust. It is byproduct of psyllium husk.

Common name of Psyllium

  • Flea
  • lspaghua
  • Spogel
  • Plantago Psyllium
  • Semen Ispaghulae
  • Isaphgol
  • Plantago sp.
  • Isabgula
  • Plantaginis Ovatae Semen (Semen Plantaginis Ovatae

Psyllium Other Name

  • Psyllii semen
  • Blond Psyllium
  • Cleansing Plaintain
  • Natural dietary Fiber
  • Herbal supplement
  • Fiber - blend
  • Laxative
  • Nutrition- Herbs
  • Feed Supplement
  • Pale Psyllium

Note : The above specification complies to USP. We can also provide products as per BP and EP specification.

Psyllium Husk Packing Weights / Volumes :

  • Conventional Gunny bags with inner food-grade poly-liner : 25 kg. & 40 kg.
  • Paper bags with inner food-grade poly-liner : 10 kg., 20 kg. & 25 kg.
  • Paper bags with inner food-grade poly-liner : 10 kg., 20 kg. & 25 kg.

Container stuffing information :

  • Approximately 9 M. Tonne per 20 feet container for psyllium husk and 19 M. Tonne for psyllium husk powder, without palletization. We have factory stuffing permission.
  • IF YOU NEED, We can arrange for PRE-SHIPMENTS M/s. SGS and M/s. Anazeal survey for (Sampling, Testing, Stack Sealing, Container Stuffing & Sealing Supervision).